soma means "the Lived body"; it's our experience of being embodied

Dancing at Salon Canning, Buenos Aires
Somatics is a relatively new field with ancient roots. In texts dating from 200AD, careful observation of one's own body was an
established practice. Developed and popularized by somatic pioneers such as Moshe Feldenkrais and Frederick Matthias Alexander,
Somatic Education uses conscious movement as a basis for acquiring
deeper knowledge of, and better use of self.
This extends beyond motion and embodiment into behavior and action.
As an improvised dance, tango calls on us to be present in every moment; while easily said, this can be challenging to achieve.
At the same time, tango creates an ideal environment for self-observation and learning, similar to other somatic practices.
These disciplines have much to offer each other, leading to a better dance, and a better (more self-informed and aware) person.
Dance with your demons :-)
This extends beyond motion and embodiment into behavior and action.
As an improvised dance, tango calls on us to be present in every moment; while easily said, this can be challenging to achieve.
At the same time, tango creates an ideal environment for self-observation and learning, similar to other somatic practices.
These disciplines have much to offer each other, leading to a better dance, and a better (more self-informed and aware) person.
Dance with your demons :-)
There is more reason in your body than in your best wisdom